Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hand Prepared Lilly Batts

Both the Shetlands (Lilly and Orchid) fleece are washed. I started the rest of the process with Lilly. Her total fleece was (unwash/unskirted) 3lbs 1/4oz. I felt I was more aggressive with skirting her fleece than that of Orchid. Twice the waste as it was about a lb skirted off, hope not too much. Live and learn I guess. I used a flick carder to open the locks, and then drum carded. Right now only finished off 3 small roving batts total of 2 oz. I wanted to go ahead and drum card before flick carding the WHOLE fleece to know if I am opening the fiber enough, not enough, wasting too much in the flick process, or happy with the end product quality regardless of the loss. Hope to keep moving along with this fleece, plan to spin at next guild meeting...Mother's Day!